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  • Writer's pictureZorba's Orphans

Dear Friends and Supporters

Dear Friends and Supporters of Zorba’s Orphans Fund (ZOF),

Thank you for understanding that the power to change lives is in your hands,  And thank you for accepting the mandate to give back.  You have touched the lives of future leaders and your contributions have made the difference now for dozens of orphans in Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America, and with your help, right here in the U.S.A. 

We are proud to announce that Hazvinei, our orphan in Zimbabwe, graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Education from the University of Zimbabwe and completed a Teacher Certification Program. As a result of the support Hazvinei received from ZOF, his dream is to mentor and financially support the higher education of orphans in Zimbabwe. In fact, he has already begun to mentor and provide financial support to an orphan boy in Zimbabwe.

Four of our nineteen orphans in Kenya, Tracey Irene and Susan completed their first year in vocational training colleges and Paul completed his second year in university. We are continuing to receive great reports from our two rising stars in Jamaica. Shantae completed secondary school last year and her first year in University and Nathan will soon enter secondary school.

With your continued commitment and support in the years ahead, our four programs: Zorba’s Higher Education Program, Zorbas Mentoring Program, Zorbas Orphans Fund Internship Program and Zorba’s Girls’ Safe Passage Program will continue to make a tremendous impact in the lives of many more orphans and vulnerable youths.  

This year, ZOF is embarking upon a number of initiatives specifically designed to bring the story of our orphans to more partners like you; partners who are willing to shift their compassion into action. This spring, we are planning a Zorba’s Orphan Walk, whereby our friends and supporters will have an opportunity to participate and help raise awareness for our orphans’ by “walking a mile in their shoes”. In addition, we are also looking to bring ZOF into the digital age by engaging in creative ways to leverage technology and social media to keep you informed of what’s happening on the ground.

I am humbled by and grateful for the opportunity to serve as Founder and President of ZOF along with the other members of the Board for the past seven years. I assure you that I have made it my personal commitment to ensure that your contributions continue to change lives, and that you experience the satisfaction of knowing the continued impact of your giving.

As part of our commitment to provide quality support to our orphans and to you as donors, ZOF is constantly recruiting new Board members and passionate volunteers to support our vision of empowering the minds of orphans and vulnerable youths for the future. For more information on how you can support our orphans by volunteering, kindly send us an email addressed to:

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